Surgery hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8.00 am - 3.00 pm
(also Mon. and Thur. afternoon by prior arrangement)

We are celebrating 25 years of Kinderwunsch Institut Schenk - and there's a GIFT to go with it.

It was our own unfulfilled desire for a child which inspired my wife and I 25 years ago to establish the Kinderwunsch Institut. As we did not feel well looked after by the treating physicians at that time, we set great store from the outset in creating a welcoming atmosphere for our patients in order to ease the pressure and anxiety they felt. 

25 years of service
We took the first step with the establishment of our first surgery - in our own home - back in 1999. Our practice soon outgrew the premises and after several adaptations the Institut building was constructed in 2005. Ten years later we established our own research centre, and we became the first certified egg cell bank. Today we can look back with great pride on a story that offers our patients the best possible therapeutic methods - and we would like to celebrate this.

For 25 days – a 25% discount
In 1999 we dreamt of increasing the family joy of others. 25 years later – thanks to ongoing advancement in the areas of research and technology – we have helped welcome over 5,000 much yearned for babies into the world.

To celebrate this occasion, we are offering you a 25% discount on all initial consultations booked in the next 25 days, between 12 September 2024 and 6 October 2024.

We look forward to the years ahead and many more much yearned for babies!

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