Surgery hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8.00 am - 3.00 pm
(also Mon. and Thur. afternoon by prior arrangement)

Esther Reif

Patient Management


What is my area of responsibility at the KIWI IVF Clinic!
I joined the Kinderwunsch Institut team in May 2017 and am in charge of patient management. I look after our patients, support the team in administrative matters and try to make things easier for you in terms of organisation. 

Why do I like working at the KIWI IVF Clinic?
I was welcomed to the Kinderwunsch Institut with open arms, and I can honestly say that this warmth and commitment is also given to every single couple who seeks out our help. What job could be more fulfilling than supporting you on your way to a baby of your own? As a mother of two, I know how much children enrich our lives and it gives me immense pleasure to accompany you on a stretch of the way towards starting a family.

What can I do to help you relax and become pregnant?
My work is based on competence, understanding and empathy. I am always ready to listen to your wishes, concerns and requests and will take the greatest possible care to ensure that all your needs are met so that you are relaxed and ready to embark on your personal journey towards your goal.

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