Surgery hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8.00 am - 3.00 pm
(also Mon. and Thur. afternoon by prior arrangement)

Anna Chibidziura

Collaboration in the blood laboratory


What is my area of responsibility at the KIWI IVF Clinic?
My main task is to take blood samples and then analyse certain factors that are important to determine whether a pregnancy is present, for example.

Why do I working at the KIWI IVF Clinic?
The very strong collegiality of the team creates a pleasant working atmosphere. It's nice to work in an organisation where everyone helps and supports everyone else!

What can I do to help you relax and become pregnant?
My main concern is to make the blood test as comfortable as possible and to make the patient feel safe. By analysing the blood, factors that may have prevented pregnancy in the past can be identified and subsequently treated.

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