Endometriosis Awareness Month
Many women have the same experience: once a month they need to grit their teeth to get through the day despite severe pain - after all, isn’t it the case that period pain is normal and is no reason to become worried?
However, in Endometriosis Awareness Month, we would like to make it clear that this conventional outlook can, sadly, have serious consequences for many women. This is because one in ten women suffers from endometriosis and this established attitude means that they only have the disorder diagnosed once it has become too late.
What is endometriosis?
Among the typical symptoms of endometriosis is intense pain during menstruation, and this is often accompanied by digestive problems and fatigue, so that the affected women either want to simply stay in bed or can only cope by taking painkillers. What happens in endometriosis is proliferation of the tissue of the uterine lining - the endometrium - outside the uterus. In extreme cases, this can result in infertility, as this proliferating tissue can destroy the ovaries and close the fallopian tubes.
You’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis: what happens now?
First of all, what I do is document the patient’s case history in detail so that I fully understand what has already happened. After an ultrasound examination, which may be necessary depending on the diagnosis, I would prescribe treatment with hormones to ensure that the patient is symptom-free in future. In any case, it is always advisable to consider the wish to have a child as soon as possible and to take precautionary measures as necessary.
If you’d like to know more about how endometriosis could impact on your desire to become pregnant and what solutions we can offer here in the Kinderwunsch Institut, simply book a preliminary appointment with us and we will explain everything in detail.