Surgery hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8.00 am - 3.00 pm
(also Mon. and Thur. afternoon by prior arrangement)

Darja Kastelic, BSc, MAS

Laboratory for Clinical Embryology and Research


What is my area of responsibility at the KIWI IVF Clinic?
In my job as Head of the Laboratory for Clinical Embryology and Research, I devote my time to analysing and treating the cells and embryos carefully and with precision. Further to my work in the laboratory, my activities in the area of Research and Development enable me to apply myself to the latest scientific discoveries, and to work on further exciting ideas in the team. In addition, my wealth of experience enables me to teach and train young, dedicated embryologists.

Why do I like working at the KIWI IVF Clinic?
I have worked at the KIWI IVF Clinic since June 2001 and am happy to be a part of this harmonious team. Since its outstanding features are innovation and an open mind to all that is new, the KIWI IVF Clinic provides me with optimal opportunities for exciting daily activities, as well as in the field of Research and Development. It is also a lot of fun making the best possible use of my know-how in such fantastic conditions.

What can I do to help working at the KIWI IVF Clinic
I am responsible for ensuring that your egg and semen cell fertilize each other outside the body. The embryos that are created are my protégés. My attention is concentrated on their changing needs, in order to make it possible for them to survive outside the female body. Using vast technological resources, it is possible to advance the further intense development of your embryos. Strict quality controls of each individual stage of the culture guarantee an unvaryingly high success rate. We are never content, which is why we systematically extend our scientific knowledge and welcome innovations.

My wealth of experience is of endless help to me, and you can relax in the knowledge that these many years of experience will be used to your advantage.

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